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Vendredi 25 novembre 2022, les professeurs d’Anglais et la directrice du collège ont remis aux anciennes élèves de 3e des Vignes leur diplôme du Cambridge passé en juin dernier.
Une occasion de se retrouver et de fêter ensemble ce beau succès. Nous sommes fières de nos élèves !

Dear school staff, parents, and students, Good evening!


Today is a very important day for our school. We have the chance to celebrate the great success of our hard-working young students who graduated last summer. This is an occasion of huge pride for all of us. I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the teachers and parents for their support and collective efforts towards the nurturing of these young talents.


For the second time in Les Vignes, 25 students decided to take the Cambridge examination. 13 brilliantly passed the Preliminary and 11 successfully passed the First ! Thanks to these results, Les Vignes has now become an official Preparation Centre for the Cambridge exams. And so this year and in the future we will continue to prepare students for this exam. We have confirmed the importance of English at Les Vignes and our new goal is for each student to achieve excellence in English. This is an ambitious objective for our educational team. This year’s Cambridge results have shown us that it is fully atteignable thanks to our marvellous students.


We warmly congratulate all of you who have come back today to receive your diploma. This success has been achieved so far through your sheer hard work, your perseverance and your constant effort. That’s why we are very pleased to award you this certificate. It will last you a lifetime and reflects the level of English you achieved at Les Vignes. Don’t stop there. Keep practising English and other languages. You will see its usefulness all along your life. It’s through language that we communicate with each other.


Thank you all very much! And now let’s celebrate !